great movies to learn English

Messaggioda gio73 » 07/04/2018, 14:21

Hi everybody
I'm looking for some movies I can watch in order to improve my listening skill (I am going to try advanced this year)
I'd like to watch movies about Richard Feynman, such as "Infinity" and "The challenger disaster", but I don't know how to get them... any advice?
Furthemore I have watched an emotional movie about a very sad love story "Keith"
and I would watch other films like that... any suggestions?
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Iscritto il: 27/11/2011, 14:41

Re: great movies to learn English

Messaggioda MisterK » 09/04/2018, 20:45

Hello Jo!!! how're you doing ?
have you passed FCE ? It seems to me you've reached an advanced level.
Whatever you see in English is useful to improve your listening skills! I advise you to use subtitles during your first step. This helped me a great deal during my study
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Re: great movies to learn English

Messaggioda gio73 » 10/04/2018, 07:54

Hi K
I am doing just fine
and Yes! I passed FCE last year.
Have you got advanced?
Anyway when I asked for advice, I would have liked having some links on youtube free movies
I know you love crime and action movies, but at my age I lean toward more sensitive stories
For istance I am interested also in "the cakemaker", just to let you know my tastes

By the way we can just talk about films and books... whatever, so my (our?) writing skill might improve :D
Messaggio: 5071 di 12025
Iscritto il: 27/11/2011, 14:41

Re: great movies to learn English

Messaggioda MisterK » 17/04/2018, 20:17

I haven't got CEA because I'm working full time, so I'm not having time to devote to English. All the same I often use English for work in writing or in speaking.
Instead of watching movies I'd advise to read books in order to strenghten your abilities. I think English which is spoken in a movie is poor in general and is likely to be incorrect. Put yourself in someone's shoes who want to learn Italian: would you be willing to learn Italian by listening to anybody who speaks with a poor vocabulary or accustomed to a language full of grammatical mistakes ?
The best choice to improve English over and over is read classic books: Jane Austin, George Orwell, Thomas Hardy, Fitzgerald, Capote...
Would it make you happy to learn a basic English or to reach an excellent command of this language ?
Leave out tv and read as many books as you can!
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Re: great movies to learn English

Messaggioda gio73 » 17/04/2018, 20:21

MisterK ha scritto:Hello,
I haven't got CEA because I'm working full time

what kind of job are you doing?
Messaggio: 5089 di 12025
Iscritto il: 27/11/2011, 14:41

Re: great movies to learn English

Messaggioda MartaGueris » 24/04/2018, 14:07

Netlif is the way! I always watch tv series andit helps me a lot
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Re: great movies to learn English

Messaggioda gio73 » 24/04/2018, 15:33

we've got netflix
I need suggestions
which series do you follow?
Messaggio: 5101 di 12025
Iscritto il: 27/11/2011, 14:41

Re: great movies to learn English

Messaggioda gio73 » 25/04/2018, 20:18

gio73 ha scritto: "The challenger disaster",

Messaggio: 5107 di 12025
Iscritto il: 27/11/2011, 14:41

Re: great movies to learn English

Messaggioda Mary Anne » 08/01/2020, 09:09

watch tv shows w/ original subtitles as much as you can :lol:
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Re: great movies to learn English

Messaggioda ghira » 08/01/2020, 13:29

I'm afraid I have to disagree. I'd say to watch stuff without subtitles as much as you can. If you want to be able do do without subtitles in the long term, stop using them now. Yes in the very short term this will probably be horrible. If not now, when?

Use them briefly when there is a reason to. e.g. You just cannot work out what character X has said even after 5 attempts. Then turn them off again.

Apart from anything else, the subtitles sometimes/often don't even match what people are saying.
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