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I need some help (finding english forum)

MessaggioInviato: 26/06/2023, 15:34
da Cosimo00110
Hi, I need some help to find a good english (UK) lenguage forum for italian speakers (to improve my english).
I have tried with google search but I`m not very satisfact about what I found there. Someone can help me?

Re: I need some help (finding english forum)

MessaggioInviato: 27/06/2023, 02:07
da ghira
Cosimo00110 ha scritto:Hi, I need some help to find a good english (UK) lenguage forum for italian speakers (to improve my english).
I have tried with google search but I`m not very satisfact about what I found there. Someone can help me?

Why specifically for Italian speakers? Just find a forum in English about (whatever) and use it.

"satisfact" should probably be "satisfied". And "satisfied with" not "satisfied about", I'd say. "satisfied by" also exists but probably not here.

"Someone can help me?" should probably be "Can someone help me?" You might ask "Someone can help me?" to express astonishment or incredulity if someone has just told you you can be helped and you can't really believe it.

Re: I need some help (finding english forum)

MessaggioInviato: 27/06/2023, 12:08
da Cosimo00110
ghira ha scritto:Why specifically for Italian speakers? Just find a forum in English about (whatever) and use it.

Because I'm very weak in English and I need to explain my doubts in a language were I'm strong in.

ghira ha scritto:"satisfact" should probably be "satisfied". And "satisfied with" not "satisfied about", I'd say. "satisfied by" also exists but probably not here.

"Someone can help me?" should probably be "Can someone help me?" You might ask "Someone can help me?" to express astonishment or incredulity if someone has just told you you can be helped and you can't really believe it.


Re: I need some help (finding english forum)

MessaggioInviato: 27/06/2023, 12:15
da ghira
Cosimo00110 ha scritto:
Because I'm very weak in English and I need to explain my doubts in a language were I'm strong in.

Having to explain your problems in English would be useful practice. You can do that here, if you like. (I imagine it's part of the point of this forum) You can use Italian in examples, but let's say questions and answers need to be in English.

"Why can't I say 'Sto essendo mangiato?' in Italian?" for example. Or "What's a good way to say 'Quando si è ricchi...' in English?"

"were I'm strong in" has multiple problems.

Re: I need some help (finding english forum)

MessaggioInviato: 27/06/2023, 12:57
da gio73
If you like maths or science fiction, we may talk about it

It will be a good start

Re: I need some help (finding english forum)

MessaggioInviato: 27/06/2023, 18:56
da Cosimo00110
@ghira ok, I understand it, I try this way that you have show me

@gio73 well, science fiction is one of my favorite subject, maybe we can open another topic about it. I agre with your idea.

Re: I need some help (finding english forum)

MessaggioInviato: 27/06/2023, 19:03
da ghira
Cosimo00110 ha scritto:@ghira ok, I understand it, I try this way that you have show me

"Ok, I understand. I'll try this way that you have shown me.", perhaps. Fewer errors than your version but .. hmm... doesn't seem like something people would actually say. "I'll try doing as you suggest.", maybe? "I'll try it your way."? Or just "I'll try that." or "I'll give it a go." (I'll try not to do this to every single thing you say unless you say you want me to.)

What sorts of things do you watch / read / listen to? We can suggest some UK TV shows etc. if that would help. For example "Yes, Minister" (later "Yes, Prime Minister") and "Fawlty Towers", even if they aren't SF. "Ultraviolet" is a very good UK more or less SF series. "Cracker" also excellent but not SF. "Doctor Who" is SF but risks being more of a lifestyle than a TV show.

May we suggest Big Mathsjam? That would be a great way to practice listening to and speaking English in a maths context.

Re: I need some help (finding english forum)

MessaggioInviato: 27/06/2023, 20:18
da gio73
Cosimo00110 ha scritto:@gio73 well, science fiction is one of my favorite subject, maybe we can open another topic about it. I agre with your idea.


One of my fa authors is isac asimov, what have you read written by him?
Series: Ghira and I have watched expanse ( you can find it on prime video)

Re: I need some help (finding english forum)

MessaggioInviato: 28/06/2023, 13:27
da Cosimo00110
I usually don't read books, I prefer watch movies or tv series, I like series as "big bang theory'' or movies like "star trek" , "star wars", "the arrival" , "the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" , "Pi" , "paul" , "indiana jones".
I hate "doctor who" it is too many strange for my.

I know Isac Asimov only by rumors, I know about he only one tale about a computer who become a God at the end. You know that tale?

Re: I need some help (finding english forum)

MessaggioInviato: 28/06/2023, 16:22
da gio73
I remember a tale in "I robot" where an artificial intelligence, while taking over a space ship, was mulling over the concept of god

Isac Asimov was an atheist jew, you knew that, didn't you?