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an advice

24/10/2014, 20:51

I'd like to send an e-mail to my headmaster in English and I don't want to do any mistake: so could you check my English, please?

Like last year, I am sending the UDA list by e-mail, I hope everythings are ok

best regards

UDA is for Unità Di Apprendimento

Re: an advice

24/10/2014, 21:16

Non credo che everything sia declinabile al plurale quindi scriverei :
I hope everything is ok.

All'inizio invece di Like metterei As , perché ? mi suona meglio però... :-D

Re: an advice

24/10/2014, 21:18

As I did last year, ("like" should also be good, but "as" sounds better to me) I am sending the UDA (souldn't it be "LU" for "Learning Unit(s)"?) list by e-mail. I hope everything is ok.

Remember "everything" is uncountable, and it's singular.

EDIT Camillo anticipated me while I was still writing :-D

Re: an advice

24/10/2014, 21:38

$Delta t = 2^m 4^s $ :-D

Re: an advice

25/10/2014, 20:41

Thanks friends I'll send the e-mail
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