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Re: Gara di Logica Matematica e Problem Solving anno 2014

29/04/2022, 15:00

Ecco un'altra prova che lo zero non è naturale. :lol: :lol:

"W.Sierpinski was always rather absent-minded.
On one occasion, he and his wife were moving into a new residence.
His wife knew that he was unreliable, so when they were down on the street with all their possessions she said, "Now you stand here and watch our ten trunks. I will go to get a taxi".
She left him standing there, gazing off into space and humming absently.
Some minutes later she returned and reported that she had called for a cab.
Sierpinski turned to his wife and, with a gleam in his eye, said, "I thought you said there were ten trunks. But I count only nine."
The wife immediately became alarmed - panicked that some of their possessions might have been stolen from under her mathematician husband's nose.
She cried, "No, there were supposed to be ten!"
And she immediately began to count.
"No, no." said Sierpinski.
"Just look: 0, 1, 2, ..."

Re: Gara di Logica Matematica e Problem Solving anno 2014

04/05/2022, 07:29

Well at the same time the bloke in charge of moving furniture said "how fortunate we are! Your apartment is on the 4th floor, therefore we have just 3 flights of stair"
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